Mawusi Sanu is a seven month old baby of Jennifer Asempa a twenty five year old Ghanaian woman who resides in Accra,Ghana.
Evelyn is a 18 year old senior high school final year student from Ghana who wants to be a news presenter in the nearest future. She fainted in school and now needs an emergency surgery to fight appendicitis...
Abdullah is a 3-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with a hole in his heart. He also got burnt by hot water and is in critical condition.
Help 15-year-old Ramatu in Ghana get the scoliosis surgery she needs to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. She has been unable to go to school .. Your support can help cover the cost of the surgery and give Ramatu a chance to thrive.
My dear dad has to undergo three major surgeries in Turkey- Which sums up to an estimated amount of $25,000. My dad's health is deteriorating, so time is essential.
Sarah Botchway is a three year old and lives in Ghana’s Central Region. As a baby, she developed an Epibulbar Dermoid Cyst, which is causing her to go blind in her left eye and experience discomfort...
Little Eden's results confirmed a disease called Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG). He needs help now.