
The Crowdfrica Fund

Donate to Support crowdfrica. At Crowdfrica, we are working hard to connect people and make it easy for anyone to fund access to healthcare and classroom needs for people in Africa. This fund is to support operations, innovations, and expansion at Crowdfrica to help us make more impact.

$496.88 still needed
Juliana wants to be a nurse

Juliana is a 12 year old junor high school student. Her parents Mary Dadzie and Ebeneezer Dadzie are both farmers in their home village, Adaa. Your donation will put Juliana on the national health insurance for two years.

Kindly support Alex get health insurance

Alex wants to be a teacher and needs a national health insurance card.

Health insurance for Eric

Eric needs financial support in order to get a national health insurance card.

Get Ruth on the national health Insurace

15 year Ruth Nyarkoh has huge aspirations. She want to transform and impact life by being a nurse. $5 will register her on the national health insurance and allow her to go in for free medical treatment anytime she is sick

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